Four-in-ten employed Canadians still work fully or partially from home, and many of them would look for new job if forced to return to office full-time

June 19, 2024 – A new Pollara Strategic Insights study of employed adults in Canada reveals that the incidence of remote-only work (16%; -14) has dropped significantly since the COVID-19 pandemic (30%). However, the proportion who are working full-time outside the home (56% now vs. 47% during COVID; +9) has not increased to the same degree, as the incidence of employees in a hybrid work situation – working partially at home and partially at the office – is on the rise (28% now vs. 23% during COVID; +5). In total, 44% of employed Canadians now work on a remote-only or hybrid basis (44%), representing a 9-point decrease since the pandemic (53%).   

Notably, three-quarters (74%) of those who are currently working in a remote-only or hybrid situation would be unhappy if their employer institutes a full-time return-to-office mandate.  Just a quarter (24%) would be fine with such a requirement, and another 29% indicate they would stay in their job, but would be unhappy about it.  Four-in-ten (42%) indicate that they would quit (5%), actively search for remote work opportunities (16%), or watch for such opportunities (21%).   

These are some of the findings of a Pollara Strategic Insights study conducted via online survey amongst a randomly-selected, reliable sample of N=1,003 adult Canadians, including respondents who were employed during the pandemic (n=772) and now (N=792).  The survey was conducted May 14 to 17, 2024. A probability sample of this design would carry a margin of error of + 3.1% amongst the total sample and a slightly higher margin of error amongst the employee cohort (+3.5%), 19 times out of 20.  The final dataset was weighted using standard statistical techniques to ensure it accurately represented the demographic and geographic distribution of Canadians according to the most recent Census.   

Amongst the general population, there is high support for flexible work, as 82% of Canadians feel it is important for companies to offer their employees flexibility when it comes to where and how they work. Similarly, three-quarters (74%) feel there is no reason to disallow employees from working from home, if they are able to do so.  

Although Canadians feel there are benefits to employees working in an office setting, they are more likely to support employees choosing what personally works best for them. Half feel there are benefits to working from an employer’s office (52%) and that work is done more effectively if people work together in an office setting (51%), but seven-in-ten (71%) ultimately feel that work is done more effectively when employees get to choose their work location (home or office).    

Less than half (47%) of Canadians agree with the sentiment that “the pandemic is over, and it is time for people to go back to the office”.  

For more study results, see our report

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